Saturday 2 June 2012

Coronation - The Ley

We had a street party and there was only one TV in the street. All the kids were outside and the adults were all inside watching the coronation. We kids saw the repeat programme later.

All the family came in to watch the coronation – the commentary went on all day.

I remember having to draw the coronation on a slate at school – or at least what we could remember.

We were given a tin box with a Cadbury’s chocolate inside. We had a street party and had to find our names to sit down at the table and we played cricket afterwards.

I lived in Penn and we had races on the big field in the middle of the houses – I remember I decided to skip instead of running.

I can remember they brought out a little screen with a strap on that you put in front of the black and white TV to make it colour. 

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